L a k e s i d e   w o r s h i p   m i n i s t r y

Worship is our life's work as Christians. We are called to sacrificial and transformed lives. When we live this way, we think less about ourselves and more about pleasing the Lord.
This worshipful living also shifts our attention to others. Our worship of Christ is powerful because is changes us, and it impacts those around us.

At Lakeside, we believe that worship is intended to be multigenerational. This means that the congregation includes a more complete picture of the church.
Our worship leaders include people of all ages and stages of life, from school-aged children to retired adults. Worship services at Lakeside
often include choirs, a praise team, and various instrumentalists.

A D U L T   c h o i r

The Sanctuary Choir is our primary worship leading choir. This group leads in Sunday services most weeks and sings an anthem as part of the worship service each Sunday. Our adult choir is made up of adults in college, adult professionals, parents, empty nesters, and senior adults.

There is no audition process to join our Adult Choir. All interested members and visitors are encouraged to join us for a rehearsal to learn more about this loving, Christ-filled family within the greater Lakeside family.


Our Adult Choir leads only in the 10:45 a.m. service each Sunday morning. We begin to gather in the choir rehearsal room from 10:25 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. prior to the beginning of the service.


Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. throughout most of the year. Our choir rehearsal room is located on the second floor of the "A" building behind the stained glass in the Worship Center.

L A K E S I D E    O R C H E S T R A

The Lakeside Orchestra is an ensemble comprised of all wind and orchestral string instruments. It is made up of advanced middle school students through adult players. The orchestra plays regularly in Sunday morning services and is a vital part of our church's worship most weeks. 


Rehearsals are on Sunday afternoons from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Worship Center throughout most of the year.

w o r s h i p    b a n d

The Lakeside Worship Band is comprised of instrumentalists that lead in worship each Sunday. If you have experience as an acoustic guitarist, bass guitarist, keyboardist, set player, or percussionist, our worship band may be a fit for you!

Joining our worship band does require an interview and audition. If you are interested in learning more about our worship band, please contact Corrie Paul.

W O R S H I P   T E A M


Minister of Music and Worship


Ministry Assistant Worship